Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Academic Earth

J found a great website called Academic Earth. I think it's even better than the MIT site. It's a collection of video lectures on a variety of subjects...from Origins of the Financial Mess to Introduction to Starcraft and Competitive Gaming. The lectures are given by professors from Berkley, Stanford, Princeton, MIT, Harvard and Yale. You can view a list of Top Rated Courses, or Top Rated Lectures. The lectures are also given a 'grade', so you don't have to waste your time listening to a 'B' lecture when you could listen to an 'A+' one.

So go learn for free!

1 comment:

  1. Great big kudos to J for this one. What a boon to all of us who are into continuing education. Thanks for hours of fun. I looked at a couple and not only are they good for the education, but if you are like me, you can argue with the ones you don't agree with.
