Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My Life and Good Times

I've welcomed in the new year with new energy and a new blog title. I've taken my title from one of my favorite books. If you've not read "My Life and Hard Times" by James Thurber, it's an enjoyable and very short read. My dad used to read this aloud to us, and I would laugh til I cried. You can read the first chapter of the book, The Night The Bed Fell, through Google Books. Or you can read my excerpt:

Aunt Gracie Shoaf also had a burglar phobia, but she met it with more fortitude. She was confident that burglars had been getting into her house every night for forty years. The fact that she never missed anything was to her no proof to the contrary. She always claimed that she scared them off before they could take anything, by throwing shoes down the hallway. When she went to bed she piled, where she could get at them handily, all the shoes there were about her house. Five minutes after she had turned off the light, she would sit up in bed and say "Hark!" Her husband, who had learned to ignore the whole situation as long ago as 1903, would either be sound asleep or pretend to be sound asleep. In either case he would not respond to her tugging and pulling, so that presently she would arise, tiptoe to the door, open it slightly and heave a shoe down the hall in one direction, and its mate down the hall in the other direction. Some nights she threw them all, some nights only a couple of pair.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the excerpt. I do love that book, and this little bit made me laugh again. I like your new title. Makes me think we should rename our blog to something less obscure than our 32 year old private joke.
