Thursday, April 8, 2010

First grill of the season

Now here is a serious question.

How did people function without the internet?

We bought a great grill from Craigslist. Four burners, warming rack, and a side burner.

But the first time we tried to use it, it wouldn't get very hot. We thought we'd been duped.

But then, enter the internet. J found the solution to our grill issues on message boards and fixed it by basically banging on a pipe with a screwdriver.

Fixed and fixed.

So now with a working grill and gorgeous spring weather, enter Martha Stewart and her fabulous Everyday Food cookbook: Great Food Fast. I got it from the library with almost no wait. It's brilliantly organized by seasons, so I am elbow deep in the summer recipes, which are all about grilling. I'm not a super great cook, but almost all of the recipes seem accessible to me. I generally have most of the ingredients already on hand, and prep and cooking time is minimal or at least reasonable.

So for our first grill of the season, I did Garlic Marinated Chicken Cutlets with grilled potatoes and asparagus. The linked recipe has you setting aside chicken and potatoes for other recipes, but DON'T DO IT! We ate every bit of it.

Beware that the mustard vinaigrette is very tasty on the asparagus, but it makes a ton, so I would at least 1/2 or even 1/4 it.

My friend, Flori, recommends the Everyday Food magazine subscription. I'm signing up.

If you go here, on the right hand side to "In Your Inbox" you can sign up for daily dinner recipes. I've tried two of them so far and they have both been winners.

I love Martha Stewart. Maybe more than Target.

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