Sunday, December 7, 2008

Bring on the snow, we've got mittens

Last year, Boo wasn't such a fan of the snow, or and she wore socks for mittens. Grandma sent her a few pairs of really cute mittens this year to try to entice her into wearing them. I bribed her with chocolate and got her to put one on for 2.3 seconds. But that only worked once.

But I guess it's just a matter of the right motivation. Yesterday it was snowing and Boo wanted to go for a walk, so we told her she had to wear her big coat and her mittens. And ta-da...
The mittens went on without a fight. And we had a nice winter walk.


  1. These pictures are just priceless. Brooke looks so cute in that pink coat

  2. She looks so cute in her winter gear. I just can't believe that chocolate didn't work as long as it should have.

  3. Andy and Saramarie BourneDecember 8, 2008 at 5:55 PM

    I love her coat! She is so cute!
