Friday, November 2, 2007

Laundry day is a lucky day

Yesterday was laundry day, usually not that interesting of a day. But as I pulled the clothes out from the hamper, I found all kinds of treasures that Boo had hidden away with the dirty clothes...toothpaste, a small mirror, bath toys, chapstick, blocks, deodorant, lotion, some business cards. I had missed several of these items during the week, but just assumed we had used them up, or they had migrated to the other bathroom. Now that we know things migrate to the hamper we will know where to look next time.


  1. Andrea,

    That is hilarious! It is like your own personal treasure hunt! I love stuff like that. It always make me laugh to see what kind of surprises that I find. I am glad that you enjoy laundry day. It is my least favorite day of the week and I usually struggle getting it done. (= Thanks for the idea about the pancakes though. I am totally going to try that out. The only problem is that Noelle snacks on the leftover pancakes for the rest of the day. Go figure. (=

    Oh and I found your blog through the invitation. It is listed on your profile. (= Thanks for accepting though. It is good to hear from you. I love this form of communication, much easier for me than e-mail.

  2. Ah, she's into hiding things now. Fun. We never did find one of the remotes or some of the other things Paul hid at our old house.
