Sunday, October 28, 2007

A new stake in Indy

Today in church we had an announcement that they will be creating a new stake in Indianapolis at our Stake Conference in a couple of weeks (a stake is basically a collection of congregations of our church that meets and works together in church things). Our ward (the congregation we go to church with each Sunday) has been shifted up to the north stake, which won't really affect our week to week activities, but will change the people that we meet with when we gather as a stake for activities a few times a year. This will be a big change for some people. Not so much for us, since we have not been here long. But it has started me thinking about change, and how it is hard to see things in life change. My dad says the only thing constant in life is change. For me it's really hard to believe that a change will be for the better, but it almost always is. Even if I don't see it immediately. I am very much a creature of habit, and even little changes can make me a little nuts. I am lucky to be married to J who is much better at taking things in stride and seeing things with a clear and broad perspective.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty crazy stuff, huh? I heard about this yesterday at our Halloween party. I can't believe we're losing you guys to the North Stake!! :^( How exciting to see the church grow though!
