She arrived Wednesday morning at 11:07 and weighed in at 7 lbs., 13 oz. and was 20 inches long. I started into (real) labor about 2 am, we made it to the hospital just after 5 am. We had to wait almost 2 hours for a room and the epidural man (way too long), but it was smooth sailing after that. My epidural man was brilliant and the nurses were fantastic. My OB wandered in about 10:45 am and three contractions later, KC was here.
She's a sweet baby, with dark hair, and is already a chubby little thing.
Boo has taken this transition like a champ. She proudly talks about 'my sister'. She is not interested in holding KC yet, but I did finally get her to sit close to her for a picture. She is enthralled with KC's toes, and often says, "Look at those teeny-tiny little toes!" When KC cries, Boo demands, "Feed my sister!" We had the girls give each other gifts the first time they were together. Boo gave KC a purple blanket that is just like her beloved pink blanket. And KC gave Boo a new baby doll that takes a bottle, laughs, cries, burps, and sleeps. It is the cutest doll, and Boo is in love with it. Don't ask me why Boo is dressed like it is October. It's 90 degrees around here.
There was this one time that I tried to upload videos to my blog, and was unsuccessful. So I never tried again. But I have this great little clip from my dad when he took the grandkids to the zoo so I'm trying again. If this works, then I will go video crazy.
I've been avoiding blogging. I'm afraid that I will blog things that I will regret once I return to my non-pregnant state. If that ever happens.
So let's talk baby. The baby that is not yet here. The baby that can't quite commit to actually being born.
But for the good news. At last measure, baby was only 7 lbs 14 oz, putting her at the 67th percentile. She was growing like a maniac for awhile, in the 93rd percentile, which gave me nightmares. And the best news - I may get to be induced soon.
Now, onto Boo. She misses Grandma terribly. We all do. A couple times a day she pitifully cries, "I want my Grandma." But besides that, she talks up a storm. Today she talked non-stop from 3-6 pm. Like this:
She calls 'home', her 'castle'. Every time we pull out of the driveway, she says, "I want to go back to my castle". Occasionally she'll refer to other homes as 'castles' as well.
Once she came with me to an ultrasound, and was completely taken with the fact that I was sitting on paper. Every time I head out the door to a doctor's appointment, she runs to me to clarify: "You go to the doctor and sit on the paper?"
Hopefully my next post will not be too long in coming.