Saturday, December 29, 2007

"Merry Christmas, every one"

Christmas, Part II.

We had a Christmas Day that was just about perfect. Boo had a great Christmas morning. She got a table and chairs, some books, a darling outfit (pink and brown, my favorite!), a magna doodle, and some art stuff. She loves to draw with (and eat) her new crayons and chalk. I was hoping the day of drawing on the wall would not come so soon, but it accidentally did. Boo was walking around with some crayons in her hand and happened to brush up against the wall in just the right way so that a crayon made a small mark on the wall. She paused, and considered this, and then her eyes lit up and she went right for the wall, crayons raised up and ready to make a REAL mark. Fortunately, Jer was close enough to grab her and we are hoping she will forget this new idea.

After presents we watched the Disney Parade, and then Boo napped while Jer and I read. That's what I love on a Christmas day - reading my new book by the Christmas tree. Later in the afternoon we got to call Peter O. in Switzerland and had a great talk with him. Boo ran through her words and animal sounds for him, I hope he enjoyed hearing her voice. It was so good to talk to him.
We went to the Ownby's for a fabulous Christmas dinner. It was great to spend the evening with such good friends. We had a traditional German rice pudding for dessert that was really good. It was a long day, Boo fell asleep on the way home.

After Boo went to bed we finished the day with The Bourne Ultimatum. I liked the first two Bourne movies ok, but I really liked this one.


  1. I love the picture of Brooke in the car. I think that when kids sleep in the car they look so peaceful. (= Sounds like you had a great Christmas day and an even better Christmas evening. (=

  2. I am a big fan of Mr. Clean magic erasers for crayon marks and many other things. I need to see if they sell them in Costco-sized packs. If they don't, they should.
